What to do when God seems silent?

Recently I was at my home church and a lady came up to me with a question that basically said, “What do you do when God doesn’t seem to be talking to you in your prayer life?” After more conversation I asked if I could get back to her with a more detailed answer. Since I figured this is a question that more than just she has I thought that I would pass it along to all of you.

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3 Things To Pray When You Hear “ISIS”

Kevin Senapatiratne 2015

I see a lot of people who seem to be experiencing fear when they hear what is going on in the world today. This is a moment as praying Christians we can experience power! Here are some practical thoughts on how you can pray when your news feed fills up with “ISIS”

[tweetthis]Our prayer can make a difference around the world![/tweetthis]


Your Answer to Prayer is Coming

Sometimes when we are praying for our “big request” we may not have a lot of faith for the answer. It seems impossible but we are still asking God to do something. Here is an encouragement for you.

[tweetthis]Your answer may be on it way. Keep praying! [/tweetthis]