(Bonus) 4 Prayer Lessons for “May the 4th Be With You” Day

I know, I know this is my second post today, but I just had to pass along these prayer lessons for today. Have fun:

1. Never forget to pray for the week and needy. You never know when Anakin Skywalker or Jar Jar Binks will play an important role in His story.

2. Pray for discernment in life. You don’t want to end up kissing your sister.

3. Keep praying, “Lord, teach me to pray.” We will always be padawan learners when it comes to prayer. A great learning tool is my book Enjoying Prayer. 🙂

4. Come to Him as a child. “Truly wonderful the mind of a child is.” –Yoda (From StarWars.com)

So go through this day with Jesus and live long and prosper. (Just kidding, I know that is Star Trek.)