Paperback: 76 pages
Published: 2024
Spiritual Warfare for the Normal Christian
Kevin Senapatiratne
Do you ever feel emotionally beat up and don’t know why? Does discouragement seem to come out of nowhere? Are you trying to grow in your relationship with Jesus, and it seems more difficult than it should be? If you answered yes to one or more of these, you may be experiencing spiritual warfare.
Step into boot camp to begin basic training for this unique battlefield. Dive into the weapons God has prepared for you and discover how to wield them effectively as you fight back against the enemy’s battle plan.

Paperback: 176 pages
Published: 2021
The Unnamed Zookeeper
Jennie Senapatiratne & Samantha Rose
The Unnamed Zookeeper explores the lives of Bible Characters from some of the most loved to the ones who are little known. Looking at their stories from their viewpoint and seeing them in a new way. A way that will show you the true character of God. A God who has a plan for you and loves you enough to help you find the way.
Jennie brings each person forward from the Bible sharing things that you may never have seen before. See things about the characters that you have never thought of and things about God that will change your perspective. And even one chapter could change the direction of your life. That is the power of The Unnamed Zookeeper. It will take you to a place where you will not look at the person or the Bible passage in the same way again.

Paperback: 132 pages
Published: 2018
Not Just for Super Christians
Kevin Senapatiratne
Do you think Christianity is made up of Super-Christians and then the rest of us? There are those “special” people who have it all together and get to have adventure with God.
Are you one of those “ordinary” people who love Jesus, but have resigned yourself to a boring routine of the regular? This book is designed to change that for you forever.
Imagine for a moment that you have a time machine. It is set up in your house and you bring people out from the past to interview for a podcast that you are the host. For the next 30 days you get to have that time machine as you work through this book. Each day someone from the Bible will sit down with you as you discover what adventure with Jesus can really look like.

Paperback: 148 pages
Published: 2014
Charles Finney’s Lectures on Revival
Kevin Senapatiratne
Charles Finney and his Lectures on Revival have impacted lives and churches for over 100 years. Will you allow your life to be changed next?
This edition has been updated with today’s reader in mind. Shortened to a more manageable size with questions added, it is now perfect for a small group study or personal six week challenge. Updated language and Bible translations make this book a great tool for every Christian. There is also a new section to help you plan a church-wide campaign.
You stand on the edge of an exciting adventure that could change your Christian life forever. When people write the history of what God has done will they have to write about you? Start this adventure today and see where God will take you!

Paperback: 143 pages
Published: 2016
Enjoying Prayer
Kevin Senapatiratne
Does the idea of spending time in prayer make you sleepy? Would you rather eat your least favorite food than pray for an extended amount of time? Does your prayer life consist of the ten seconds before each meal? Do you think of prayer as simply boring?
Enjoying Prayer: Launching Your God Adventure will transform your prayer time to one of your favorite things to do. Join Kevin as he shares Scripture and true life stories to give you a glimpse of the fun and power that is possible when you spend time with God in prayer.
On this journey you will discover a God who loves to be with you, and practical ways that you can walk with Him throughout your day.