A lesson you can use from my “almost a month” in northern MN

For most of this month I have been staying in a house about four-five hours from my home. It was an interesting experience for me. I had scheduled all of my speaking up that direction so I was still spending time preaching. I had a few goals for my time up there. First, I am working on my third book so this was some time for writing. Second I am working on what I am calling the “Clear the bookshelf challenge.” For about a year now I have been working through the books on my bookshelf with the idea that I wanted to read each book completely, or just get something out of it, or give it away. This time in northern MN was some extra reading time. The third goal was an experiment in solitude.

Now it wasn’t exactly solitude, but it had some elements that I wanted to test. First, my time online would be limited since the house did not have Wi-Fi. I had internet through my phone but needed to watch my data use. Other than my preaching I only had one appointment while I was up there. The first week I would spend by myself. The second week my daughter would join me, and the last week and half my wife and mother in law would be there.

There were various lessons learned, but one of the most important ones is that solitude helps us learn to trust God. Before I went up there I was reminded of the quote by Richard Foster: “Solitude helps us resign as CEO of the universe.” I have a matching challenge fundraiser going on for the ministry for the summer, but I have to trust that God will do in two months what I am not sure can be done in three. Allowing a space for silence is letting God speak for you.

Not that I am never to speak again, I am writing this post after all. But stepping back gave me time to let God take the lead. It is easy as a “follower” of Jesus to guess where He is going and try to get there before He does.

Many of you wouldn’t need to get away for three and a half weeks to be reminded of this important lesson. Maybe an hour of silence would be a challenge. How about a short walk without your cell phone? As I gave him space not only did He teach me trust, but He filled that space with an awareness of His love and presence. Will you experiment with solitude in your life?

Are you missing out by not connecting to God’s network?

I spend a good amount of time connecting with people. We have booths at conventions to introduce the ministry to people who need to learn about it. I am lunches and coffees with pastors and leaders to hear their heart and see how we might work together. Networking can sound sleazy at times, but my attitude is to build a “net” of connections so that together we can do the “work” that God has given us.

But there is a problem. Let me nerd out on you for a moment. Even if I was introduced to a new person every second, 24 hours a day -7 days a week, for the rest of my life I wouldn’t even meet half the people in the world. And what if I need to meet someone in the other half to accomplish the mission God has for my life. That is why my prayer life is so important.

I love the story of Moses after the mountain. God told Moses he could have Aaron as a partner in the ministry of leading the people out of Egypt. But Moses couldn’t get down the mountain and text his brother to come down and visit him. So God went to work. “The Lord said to Aaron, ‘Go into the desert to meet Moses.’” (Ex 4:27) God was connecting them together.

We do our part, but we are also dependent on God to introduce us to the people that we could never meet on our own. Maybe before you go on with the rest of your day ask God to lead you to someone he wants you to “network” with this week!

My Week After Easter Prayer (Expanded)

I enjoyed looking at my news feed on social media and reading the stories of all that God did in churches of pastor friends around the world. But it reminds me of an important and practical principle for the week after Easter.

I don’t remember where I heard this but, Billy Graham was once asked what was going through his mind as he saw hundreds of people respond by coming to the front after he had presented the Gospel message. He said that he thought about the parable of the farmer who sows the seed. Some of those who have heard the Gospel would have the seed stolen quickly. Others would grow, but quickly die out. He thought about the fact that maybe only 1 in 4 would last.

It was put another way by the famous missionary to India Praying Hyde that might be helpful. He talked about how when a major event is coming up we spend a lot of time praying for the events success. We ask God to bring in a harvest and similar prayers. Praying Hyde encouraged people not to forget to pray after the event for the fruit that came in as a result. Pray that people stay with their commitments to God whether for the first time or growing in that relationship. A great reminder and very practical.

So before you go on with your day would you pray these things with me?

  1. For protection of the seed of the Gospel presented on Easter around the world.

The enemy would desire to steal, kill and destroy. Let’s pray that the seed would go down deep into the soil of people’s hearts.

  1. For the people who made decisions at your church as they start out in this first week of new life.

Many people who started a journey toward Jesus will face the challenges of a real life struggles. Let’s pray that they have a week that would bring them back to church the next week.

  1. For friendships with Christians who will disciple them in following Jesus.

Friendships with other Christians are vital to our faith. They are also vital to a new believer. Let’s pray that they form quickly.

  1. For excited opportunities for these new believers to share their faith.

New believers often have some great opportunities to share their faith that can have a snowball effect. Let’s pray that they have the boldness to take advantage of these opportunities.

If we pray these things who knows if the Sunday after Easter may be even better than the harvest of Easter itself!