Dr Dharius Daniels – Relational Intelligence -Ep 41

Our relationships have a huge impact on the quality and fruitfulness of our lives. Yet so often we don’t think about those relationships strategically. If Jesus thought strategically about His relationships so should we. My guest today is here to help us with making those important decisions.

Dharius Daniels is a cultural architect and trendsetter for his generation. He is the founder and Lead Pastor of Change Church. Change Church is a vibrant ministry that impacts people of all ages, socioeconomic classes, and ethnic backgrounds.

Pastor Dharius has developed a Breathtaking Ministry concept that describes the standard of excellence: a standard that is apparent in his commitment not only to ministry but also to education. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey, and a Doctorate of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. Dr. Dharius is a certified personal coach with a versatile gift and speaks frequently in seminaries and churches across the country.

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Resources From This Episode

Book- Relational Intelligence-The People Skills You Need For The Life Of Purpose You Want

Dr. Dharius Daniels Book Website



Change Church 

Book-When to walk away-Gary Thomas



My personal and ministry goals for 2020

Some people are goal people and some people are not. I have not found a verse in the Bible yet that says, “Make goals for every calendar year.” There are general principles about goals that I outline in my latest book but I am not saying if you are not a yearly goal person you are not a good Christian. I actually find goals fun, but that is what the Strength Finders book would call Achiever. That is why I normally make my yearly goals to start December 1- so I can kick the tires on them and get renewed motivation when everyone else starts theirs in January.

Having said all of that I thought I would share with you some of my personal and ministry goals for your encouragement and motivation.


I have ten pillars to my health plan (or health Ten Commandments) that I have been working on for a while. Rather than lay them all here I have one main area that I am going to continue growing in for 2020. I have a different exercise for each of the muscle groups and my goal is to add to reps a week till I cross 100 a week. For example if I was doing 34 jumping jacks this week I will do 36 next week.


I am continue on working on the goal to be able to speak Spanish well enough to preach it. You can read my reason for this challenge in another post. My 3 sub-goals for this is one-1. I have a certain number of Duolingo lessons I will have done. 2. I plan to take at least 5 lessons in the Italki community. 3. I am going to translate a manuscript of a message that I have already preached.

Spiritual –

At some point I would like to write a book on Spiritual Warfare for the Everyday Christian. So this year the research continues. This will include reading a 3 volume work on the subject by a Puritan (about 1000 pages).


We have a goal to visit a few more states that either my wife or daughter have not been to before.

Ministry goals

Here I will put the big 3:

Podcast- I would like to see the podcast grow this year. 3 of the benchmarks for that are-1. Cross 10,000 total downloads. 2. Have at least one download from every state in the USA (3 to go). 3. Have had at least one download from at least 75 counties (about 10 to go).

100,000 Challenge– I would like to cross 100,000 unique visitors to the website. We have had all but 3 countries of the world visit our website (and those 3 countries aren’t known for allowing their people to use the internet. :-)) We want to continue to be a resource to people’s walk with Jesus around the world.

$700 in new monthly support from partners– I have been talking about going from adding to multiplying as a ministry for a while and this amount will get us above the tree line to take off and fly in this direction. This will allow us to add a 3 podcast episode a month and accomplish some of the other goals listed about. (To be on of those supporters)

So there are my main goals for the year. I didn’t include everything because some would just be strange (do you want me to write about looking for a plummer?) Are you a goal person? What is your goals for this next year? What assignments does God have for you to accomplish?

Praying for God to guide you and give you victory everywhere you go!

Leveling the Praying Field -Donna Barrett- Episode 40

My guest the general secretary of the Assemblies of God Donna Barrett. As general secretary of the Assemblies of God, U.S.A., part of the largest Pentecostal denomination in the world, she is a member of the denomination’s Executive Leadership Team and Executive Presbytery. Barrett stewards the credentialing process of ministers, oversees the chartering of churches, the collection of official statistics, and the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center.

Prior to her election as general secretary, Barrett was a church planter, serving as founder and lead pastor of Rockside Church (Assemblies of God) in Independence, Ohio. Following seven years as a paralegal, Barrett became a credentialed minister in
1986. She served ten years as youth pastor at Highway Tabernacle Assembly of God in Youngstown, Ohio, followed by seven years as associate pastor at Bethel Temple in Parma, Ohio.  While pastoring, she was elected by her peers to serve the Ohio Ministry Network as an elected general presbyter and an executive presbyter for four years each.

We talk about her book- Leveling the Praying Field. She shares her story of a journey of prayer as a young Christian and as a pastor. We discuss a wide range of topics to help people get into prayer from how to start a prayer life to how to build a culture of prayer in your church as a pastor.

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Resources Mentioned in This Episode

Leveling the Praying Field-Book

Audio Book

Assemblies of God Week of Prayer Resources

Assemblies of God General Secretary