Some of our great moments with God are those emotionally high encounters with God. But what about the other times. Here is a video to take on that question.
In the video I mentioned two other posts. Here they are:
Some of our great moments with God are those emotionally high encounters with God. But what about the other times. Here is a video to take on that question.
In the video I mentioned two other posts. Here they are:
It is so easy to miss the activity of God that is all around us. Jacob fell asleep and had a dream of a ladder to heaven and woke up and said, “Surely God was here, but I was unaware.” (Genesis 28) This would happen elsewhere in the Bible as well. I think that we miss how God may be working in our lives and therefore miss the joy of the activity of His presence. Here are some ways to become a Christian Sherlock Holmes:
I must admit this is something I am working on learning right now. I was recently reading a book called The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything and they brought this idea to me. Sometimes the prayer for overcoming loneliness is answered by an acquaintance we meet who turns into a friend down the road, or a prayer for better finances is answered by developing a new skill that turns into something that becomes our next job. We need to be on the lookout for this kind of activity of God.
[tweetthis]We need to be on the lookout for the activity of God in our lives.[/tweetthis]
2. Find the gifts of God in your day.
I write a whole chapter about this in Enjoying Prayer but I was changed by a simple challenge to write down 5 things I was thankful for everyday. It forced me to look for the blessings that every day provided. You can learn more about this at (Enjoying Prayer) or this post (Journal)
3. Make it your habit to ask God to open your eyes to God’s activity.
Elisha was once surrounded by an army that was coming to get him. (2 Kings 6) When his servant freaked out he asked God to open his eyes. When he did the servant was able to see the armies of heaven all around him. Now I am not saying that every time you pray this prayer you will see the armies of heaven, but you might be surprised at what you will see as you go through your day.
Let’s be on the lookout for the activity of Jesus today!
I was doing a teaching for a discipleship group on having a prayer life. This was a young group of mostly college students. After my teaching we had a little time for questions and answers. One young lady asked a very honest question about where to start. She was referring to how to get a prayer life going if you are at ground zero. I gave her a simple place to start but after leaving I was thinking more deeply about what advice I would give others in the future.
Here are five things that I would advice to you if you feel like your prayer life is not going at all. These could also be helpful if you have people that you are working with that could use some help. Everyone is a little different but I think these steps could be a place to start.
When I answered the lady I suggested committing to a small amount every day or one larger amount once a week. Upon reflection I think something every day has a better likelihood of success. Another option would be to start with something the 5 work days with weekends off at the beginning. John Maxwell says, “The secret of your success if determined by your daily agenda.”
[tweetthis]The secret of your success if determined by your daily agenda.- John Maxwell[/tweetthis]
2. Pick a time smaller than you think that you can do to start
More people give up on prayer times because they can’t fulfill a large goal than give up because they are exceeding a small goal. Give yourself something that you know that you can do every day. I suggested to this lady that she start with 10 minutes a day. You can move to a goal of praying without ceasing later, but for now you are getting some momentum.
3. Let your Bible reading be the content of your prayer
I teach a three hour seminar on how to have an enjoyable prayer life. I cover a full buffet of different types of prayer. But to start with if you are already reading the Bible come back to that as conversation starters for your time of prayer. If you don’t have a Bible reading plan yet, start with a story of Jesus. Then you can talk to Jesus about Jesus.
4. Incorporate thankfulness into this prayer time
Along with praying the Bible adding an element of thankfulness can bring life to your prayer. Thankfulness in prayer helped change my outlook on life. I have written about the simple journal method that I use that could be a great place to start in your prayer life. Early on you will be learning the joy giving aspects of prayer that will sustain you for the rest of your life.
5. Build a little bit of accountability into your prayer life
The Bible teaches us that we weren’t designed to do this life alone. Sharing with someone your commitment to be a person of prayer can be a powerful thing. Maybe you could simply share on your favorite social media channel your new commitment. Then each day share part of the scripture you prayed with a hashtag #mytimewithJesus
[tweetthis]I am committing to taking my prayer life to a new level. Join me? #mytimewithJesus[/tweetthis]
Try these five things for a month. After the month think about what is working and what is not working. If you struggle don’t beat yourself up; simply commit to trying something new the next month. Soon your prayer life will one of the great joys of your day.