Using Time Travel in Prayer (Updated)

Your time is very precious. Moses made this prayer: “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalms 90:12) If we are to live well we must respect the time that we are given. I made a video showing to take advantage of this though prayer by doing a little time travel.

Darren Hardy, the publisher of Success Magazine does a great job helping us picture this idea in this short video.


Will you take advantage of some of the moments that you have today to invest in your future through prayer? The fuse of your life has been lit! Let’s use our time wisely.

Pursuing your answer in Prayer- Seeing God’s Blessings


We may be closer to God’s answer for us than we imagine. We may feel in the midst of a struggle and just want it to stop. But maybe we need to be reminded to not give up to soon. Here is a short video I made to encourage you as you pursue God’s blessings in your life:


Emotion and Prayer


Emotion is something that people get confused about when it comes to their prayer life or their life in general. Here is a what may be a surprising thought for you when it comes to emotion and prayer.


How do you deal with emotion in your prayer life? Have you found safety in that place and time with God?