A Real Super Power That Could Change Your Life

For my mutual nerd friends, we sometimes may not feel powerful, but we like our superheroes. What if you really had a superpower?  I want you to know that thanksgiving in prayer has superpowers.

1. Thanksgiving protects you from the dreaded “Woe is me” blues Super Villain.

Our life can turn into a death spiral of despair if we are not careful. Thankfulness helps us take the turn out of the death loop and launches us to a place of victory (even if the circumstances don’t change.)

2. Thanksgiving keeps you from turning God into the mighty Mr. Prayer Request Slot Machine.

Mr. Prayer Request Slot Machine is a real threat to a fun prayer life. We become like a whiny blob when under his power. Thankfulness to God frees us to experience a broader friendship with God than just asking.

3. Thanksgiving gives you super vision to see the activity of God in your life.

In Enjoying Prayer I write about my habit of writing down 5 things I am thankful to God for everyday. These are not always big things and are normally only a few words each. But knowing that my eyes lookout for that activity. How much do we miss without the super vision of thankfulness activated?

You may never fly through the air, but being thankful really is a superpower. Don’t be afraid to use your superpower friends!

“but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

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Posted in Prayer.