John Eldredge-Wild at Heart-Get Your Life Back- Ep 43

How are things with your soul? In this constantly on world that we live in our soul is taking the hit. You are slowly being beaten down. Is there anything that you can do about it? In this conversation with John Eldredge we talk about what you can do to keep from sinking. Your soul can be healed and thrive.

John Eldredge is an author, a counselor, and a teacher. He is known for such books as Wild at Heart and Sacred Romance. He is also president of Ransomed Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own hearts in God’s love, and learn to live in God’s Kingdom. 

John earned his master’s degree in Counseling from Colorado Christian University, under the direction of Larry Crabb and Dan Allender. He worked as a counselor in private practice before launching Ransomed Heart in 2000. John and Stasi live in Colorado Springs

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Resources Mentioned in this Episode

John Eldridge Website

Ransomed Heart

One Minute Pause App 

John Eldridge Books

Book-Essentialism-The Disciplined Pursuit of Less





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